
Key Facts to Know About Using an Abdominal Binder

Your abdominal muscles, apart from playing a vital role in facilitating the breathing process, also support spine muscles in lifting vital organs (located inside the abdomen) such as the intestines. A muscle pull or sprain due to an injury or physical exertion post abdominal surgery, can impact abdominal muscles, therefore, interfering with the processes described above. To help you get on with your life, many manufacturers provide abdomen support belts including abdominal binders for lower abdominal support. Abdominal binders offer excellent support for weak abdomen muscles, alleviating pain and strengthening muscles around the affected area.  



Use of abdominal binders plays a significant role in postoperative recovery for patients who undergo tummy tuck surgery, including abdominoplasty and abdominal liposuction. Abdominal support belts are also widely used by women during and after pregnancy. In some cases, doctors recommend them to senior patients or those suffering from paralysis to support weak abdominal muscles.


Abdominal binders perform the vital function of speeding up the recovery process for patients with weak abdominal muscles. Binders provide support to the upper and lower abdomen by compressing muscles of the affected areas to restrict movement. The use of abdominal support belts improves blood circulation, oxygen levels, and also reduces swelling around the operated area, accelerating the healing process.  

Usage instructions

Most surgeons recommend the use of abdominal binders right from day one of the postoperative stage. Patients need to use the belt constantly for the first two weeks after the surgery. After three weeks, the doctor may allow them to take it off during showers and replace it with a new one, if necessary. They will also instruct patients on usage frequency according to the level of improvement in their condition.  It is also advisable that patients keep an extra binder handy at all times so that the two belts can be used interchangeably.

Measurement instructions

Patients undergoing surgery need to take measurements next to the skin, with no clothes on, to ensure they get a product that offers the right compression according to their body structure. Usually, a bigger and less tight binder is used during the initial stages of recovery (two weeks post surgery) to avoid swelling. Patients may use a tighter and a smaller binder once their abdomen muscles start regaining strength.

Final few words

The use of abdominal support binders can work wonders for patients with abdominal muscle injuries and put them on the fast track to recovery. Patients who’re allergic to latex should choose a binder that doesn’t include the material to avoid allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, itching or swelling of the face, rashes, and difficulty breathing. Last but not least, users should consult their doctor if they face any difficulty or feel pain while using the binder.

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